Find your true soulmate on India's newest Matrimony app!

Get started today to connect with like minded singles near you! Free forever!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you make this app?

We believe the apps out there do not do justice to the lonely hearts — most seem to present numerous hurdles just to get your photo and details out there, we wanted to build something different that puts the user first! Hopefully you can see the difference yourself!

Do I have to purchase a subscription to use the app?

Nope! There are no subscriptions to purchase in the app, just download and get going!

Will there ever be a premium option with more features?

Very likely, we're working on a variety of features that might someday become part of a premium plan should you ever want to upgrade, but the free version will forever be free and you will not be forced to upgrade.

Will you now or ever sell my private information?

Never! We believe in privacy and do everything we can to maintain it. We don't work with external parties nor we do share you information with anyone else.

Do you show me a bunch of unrelated ads in the app?

Never! Going back to the privacy thing, we don't believe in random or targeted ads and will never show you any in the app.

Is the app available for iOS?

At the moment we only have an Android app but we intend to bring you an iOS version soon, stay tuned!

Do I get full control of my matches?

Of course! We've tried to include all the controls you need to help you find the partner of your dreams, give it a try!